Churches Together In Beckenham

What We Do

Each year we put on a number of events and activities both as individual churches and collectively as Churches Together in Beckenham. Given the past year’s restrictions, many of our churches have adapted and found new ways of connecting with other churches and our wider communities.

Previous Events

Each year we run a series of events to align with the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, which takes place from 18th to 25th January. 2023 was no different with an event most days, covering a range of locations, styles and times to allow as many people as possible to take part.

On Good Friday we had our usual March of Witness, starting at St Edmund’s on Village Way, and processing up the High Street to join together for a short service on Beckenham Green next to St George’s.

Bad weather meant a postponement of our summer picnic from July to September, but the rescheduled event still drew 30 people from half a dozen of our churches.